Videos 2026 & 2027 proposals: OP_EVAL, P2S, Loops, and TXv5 I joined Fiendish & Friends Podcast #11 to talk about Bitcoin Cash Improvement Proposals (CHIPs) for 2026 and 2027: OP_EVAL, Pay-to-Script, loops, and TX version 5.
Ideas 2027 Proposal: Transaction Version 5 Today I'm proposing CHIP-2025-01 TXv5: Transaction Version 5: - Zero-Overhead Covenants – Enable user-deployed financial and privacy covenants to minimize transaction sizes, matching or outperforming purpose-built, "layer 1" networks. See Example: Zero-Knowledge Proof Covenants. - Detached ("Cross-Input") Signatures – Reduce transaction sizes by enabling multiple inputs
Ideas 2026 Proposals: Loops, Functions, and Pay to Script Proposing three CHIPs for Bitcoin Cash's 2026 upgrade: loops, function eval, and Pay to Script (P2S). These would make BCH contracts more efficient than ETH, SOL, etc. across some remaining gaps + optimize transaction sizes for zero-knowledge and post-quantum covenants. (1/6) — Jason Dreyzehner (@bitjson)
Ideas 2025 Bitcoin Cash Improvement Proposals I recommend the VM Limits & BigInt CHIPs for activation in Bitcoin Cash's 2025 upgrade.
Software Bitcoin Cash Upgrade 2024 Libauth, Chaingraph, and Bitauth IDE support one Cash Improvement Proposal (CHIP) for the 2024 Bitcoin Cash Upgrade.
Videos Bitcoin Cash Podcast #79: CashTokens Creation I joined the Bitcoin Cash Podcast to talk about the history behind CashTokens, Bitcoin Cash technical infrastructure, and directions for future development.
Ideas Comments on the 2023 Upgrade to Bitcoin Cash "Suddenly it was possible to build very efficient, UTXO-based decentralized applications while preserving important features of Bitcoin Cash: stateless transaction validation (low fees) and zero-delay re-spending (fast transactions)."
Ideas New Resource: is a new website about the CashTokens technology, including technical specifications, documentation, guides, and other resources. You can follow and contribute to the project on GitHub. The website currently includes some simple introductory information, the full Cash Improvement Proposal (CHIP) technical specification for the CashTokens upgrade, and the
Ideas Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries share metadata between Bitcoin Cash wallets, allowing user-recognizable names, descriptions, icons, ticker symbols, etc. to be associated with on-chain artifacts like identities, tokens, and contract systems.
Ideas CashTokens: Token Primitives for Bitcoin Cash CashTokens enable decentralized applications comparable to Ethereum contract functionality, while retaining Bitcoin Cash's >1000x efficiency advantage in transaction and block validation.
Ideas CHIP: ZCEs – Instant, Secure Payments on Bitcoin Cash Zero-Confirmation Escrows (ZCEs) enable instant, incentive-secure payments on Bitcoin Cash. They require no setup delay or ongoing relationship, and can be safely accepted without a waiting period.
Ideas CHIP: Ranged Script Numbers The Ranged Script Number (RSN) format is derived from the existing Script Number format used within the BCH VM, but it includes a prefix which allows RSN values to be safely parsed from serialized transaction messages.
Ideas CHIP Revised: Bigger Script Integers A new revision to the Bigger Script Integers CHIP has been published. This revision adds a full technical specification and an extensive Rationale section documenting design decisions made in the specification.
Ideas CHIP Revised: Native Introspection Operations A new revision to the Native Introspection Operations CHIP has been published. This revision clarifies several technical details and adds an extensive Rationale section documenting design decisions made in the specification.
Ideas CHIP: Bounded Looping Operations Two new BCH opcodes, OP_BEGIN and OP_UNTIL, would enable loops in BCH contracts without increasing processing or memory requirements.
Ideas CHIP: Targeted Virtual Machine Limits By fixing poorly-targeted limits, we can make Bitcoin Cash contracts more powerful (without increasing validation costs).
PMv3 AMA on r/btc: Build Decentralized Apps on Bitcoin Cash with PMv3 I was r/btc on Reddit on May 2, 2021 for an AMA (Ask Me Anything). Some topics covered included prediction markets, PMv3, CashTokens, and Bitcoin Cash development.
PMv3 PMv3 CHIP Revised: Version 3 Transactions The PMv3 proposal has been revised and is now a Cash Improvement Proposal: CHIP-2021-01-PMv3. Review and feedback is appreciated.
PMv3 PMv3: Build Decentralized Applications on Bitcoin Cash Bitcoin Cash is already powerful enough to build and scale many applications planned for “global state” systems like Ethereum.
Ideas Prediction Markets on Bitcoin Cash By cutting through misinformation, prediction markets can save lives, root out corruption, and revolutionize industries.
Ideas RFC: AllowReplay–Safer Splits for Bitcoin Cash AllowReplay allows users to opt-in to replay protection on a per-signature basis, and it’s strictly beneficial to the implementing network.
Ideas RFC: OP_PUSHSTATE Draft Spec This is a request for comments on a draft specification for a new Bitcoin Cash opcode, OP_PUSHSTATE, which is now available on GitHub…
Ideas Defensive Consensus: a Concrete Example Imagine three different implementations of “Simple Bitcoin” exist: Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Ideas Defensive Consensus: Getting to a Multi-Implementation Bitcoin Network The word Bitcoin means a lot of things. It’s a protocol, a peer-to-peer network, a currency, and depending on who you ask, one or more open source projects. Bitcoin is written in C++ Bitcoin Core [] is the C++ implementation of the Bitcoin protocol released
Typescript It’s time to give TypeScript another chance Since 2012, TypeScript has been a popular choice for programmers coming to JavaScript from more structured languages (like C++ or Java)…