2026 & 2027 proposals: OP_EVAL, P2S, Loops, and TXv5
I joined Fiendish & Friends Podcast #11 to talk about Bitcoin Cash Improvement Proposals (CHIPs) for 2026 and 2027: OP_EVAL, Pay-to-Script, loops, and TX version 5.
Recording on YouTube
Covenants already enable any "layer 1" technology: zkVMs, Monero (inc. Full-Chain Membership Proofs), Zcash, Mimblewimble, etc.
— Jason Dreyzehner (@bitjson) January 30, 2025
The 2026 proposals make these truly practical: from messy, multi-MB transaction chains to cheap, atomic transactions sent from any wallet.
Endgame:… https://t.co/1wTg7mSmE4 pic.twitter.com/VMayk3tkf1
X.com thread and X Space