CHIP Revised: Bigger Script Integers
A new revision to the Bigger Script Integers CHIP has been published. This revision adds a full technical specification and an extensive Rationale section documenting design decisions made in the specification.
The Bigger Script Integers Cash Improvement Proposal (CHIP) expands the integer range allowed in BCH contracts (from 32-bit to 64-bit numbers) and re-enables the multiplication opcode (OP_MUL
By allowing contracts to efficiently operate on larger numbers, this proposal enables new use cases, improves contract security, and reduces transaction sizes.
A new revision to the Bigger Script Integers CHIP has been published. This revision adds a full technical specification and an extensive Rationale section documenting design decisions made in the specification.
Deployment of this specification is proposed for the May 2022 upgrade.
Review and feedback are deeply appreciated. Thanks!

Thank you to Rosco Kalis and Jonathan Silverblood for co-owning and supporting this CHIP.